
5 Steps for Improving Thank You Pages

As any digital marketer should know by now, that landing pages are an absolute must for lead generation. In addition, a “thank you” message is just as equally needed....

5 Steps for Improving Thank You pges

Every office has one and using it leads to better collaboration, products — The Whiteboard

It’s easy to get caught up in button colors, photography and that slick fade-in animation, but it’s literally the surface of design. When building complex features with various moving pieces and functionality, worrying about the way something looks should be the last thing on the list. The focus should be on how a user reaches the solution to the problem they come to your site or application for. This is user experience design and it’s not solely designated to a horned-rim, black turtleneck wearing designer, it’s for the team to solve.

Why Blogs Are Crucial For SEO

With recent updates to Google’s Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird algorithms, fresh quality content has become the centerpiece of the modern SEO strategy. As a result, every...

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