Bright Minds of Virayo: Meet Ryan, Operations Manager

Erin Rupp
June 19, 2024
Bright Minds of Virayo Remote Teamwork SEO Marketing Agency

Welcome to our summer series, “Bright Minds of Virayo,” where we highlight the remarkable individuals driving our company forward. Each week, we’ll feature one of our talented team members, showcasing our dynamic tech company culture and how we contribute to B2B SaaS success.

This week, we explore team operations management with Ryan, our Operations Manager, and discover how he ensures efficiency and growth at Virayo.

Meet Ryan

Ryan Fish, Virayo Team Operations Management Leader

  • Name: Ryan Fish
  • Position: Operations Manager
  • Time at Virayo: 7 years

Behind the Scenes Fun

Ryan, team operations management leader, showcasing his musical talent while playing the drums.

Ryan on the Drums

  • Hobbies: Playing the drums in my rock band Arcade Sarcasm, Dirt Bike riding (enduro/trial riding) with my riding crew Wild Ones Enduro and camping/traveling with my family
  • Favorite book: The Bible by God, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John C. Maxwell
  • Guilty pleasure: Siete Churro Cinnamon Chips
  • Go-to road trip song(s): “Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends” by Coldplay or “Give Up” by The Postal Service
  • Pets: Milo, a Lhasa Apso and Bingo (his son), a Labradoodle/Lhasa Apso mix. Sparky, a Betta fish
Team operations management leader Ryan's two adorable puppies.

Ryan’s Pups Milo and Bingo

Check out the Virayo Team Playlist! New songs added weekly as we discover our team’s favorites.

In Conversation: Insights From the Virayo Team

We talked with Ryan about his role in team operations management, his career growth, and his vision for Virayo’s future. Here are some highlights of our conversation.

Ryan, team operations management leader, as a baby.

Baby Ryan

Q: Can you tell us more about what your role involves?

As an Operations Manager, my role is multifaceted and dynamic, deeply intertwined with both the operational and strategic aspects of the business. Primarily, my responsibilities revolve around overseeing and optimizing the day-to-day operations to ensure that our team operates efficiently and effectively. This includes everything from resource allocation and workflow management to implementing processes that enhance productivity and ensure that project milestones are met on time.

In addition to these operational duties, I maintain a significant focus on Search Engine Optimization (SEO), with over 15 years of experience in SEO and project management.

My role requires me to interact with virtually everyone on the team. By nature of operations, I serve as a central hub for communication and coordination, ensuring that all departments are aligned with the company’s goals and objectives.

Q: What are some of your favorite parts of what you do?

A core aspect of what makes operations vital and rewarding is problem-solving and creating efficiencies. Operations is the backbone of an organization, ensuring everything runs smoothly, efficiently, and effectively. The joy I find in streamlining processes and workflows is not just about the immediate improvements seen but also about the long-term impact on the organization’s success. It’s about building a foundation that allows the team and the company to grow and scale sustainably.

Empowering my team is another aspect that stands out to me as incredibly important. Not just optimizing workflows but fostering a culture of trust, accountability, and innovation.

Q: What’s been the biggest learning opportunity in your role so far?

Stepping into operations from a background in SEO presented a broad learning curve, requiring me to expand my skill set beyond the digital realm to encompass the full spectrum of business operations. The challenge of adapting to this role offered significant opportunities for growth, allowing me to leverage analytical and strategic thinking skills in new ways to drive efficiency and team empowerment.

Ryan, team operations management leader, smiling with his wife during a special occasion.

Ryan and His Wife

Q: Do you have any particular accomplishments you are most proud of?

I am incredibly proud of the growth Virayo has experienced over the last 7 years, the team we’ve built, and the talent that each member brings to the table, along with the exceptional work we’ve accomplished for our clients. It’s a testament to perseverance, strategic planning, and the ability to adapt to changes and challenges, qualities I am proud that this company possesses.

Q: Now let’s talk Virayo. What’s unique about working for our organization?

Working at Virayo has been an incredibly rewarding experience, blending both professional growth and personal fulfillment in ways that are unique to our agency.

The combination of open PTO, the flexibility of remote work, and a nurturing, innovative culture are just a few of my favorite things about working at Virayo. These elements not only make our agency a great place to work but also play a crucial role in our ongoing success and evolution.

Q: Our team takes our values seriously. Which one(s) resonate with you the most?

Leadership and Confidence have become intertwined in my role, guiding my approach to challenges and opportunities alike. They inspire me to not only aim for personal excellence but to also elevate those around me, fostering a culture of authenticity, determination, and shared achievement. These values reflect not just who I am today but also who we are as a company and who we aspire to be in the future.

Ryan, team operations management leader, enjoying a day at the lake with his family.

Ryan and Family

Q: What’s your favorite aspect(s) of our culture and team dynamic?

My favorite aspects of our culture and team dynamic are deeply rooted in the diversity of expertise and the mutual respect we all share. Each member of our team brings something uniquely valuable to the table, creating a rich tapestry of skills that not only complement each other but also elevate our collective output to new heights.

Starting with Robbie, his incredible insight into digital marketing and his strategic prowess inspire me.

Jenny brings a level of journalistic excellence that truly sets our content apart. Her ability to weave words into compelling narratives is not just a skill but an art form, enriching our offerings with depth and quality that resonate with our audiences.

Then there’s Jake, whose technical SEO knowledge is matched only by his people skills, making him a cornerstone of our team’s success in navigating our clients through the complexities of SEO with ease and efficiency.

Erin’s multifaceted talent in both writing and design adds a dynamic layer to our team’s capabilities, enabling us to engage with our community in meaningful and creative ways.

Jarod’s skills in Organizational and Leadership Development have been instrumental in shaping the supportive and forward-thinking culture and creating an environment where everyone feels motivated to pursue excellence.

Q: Now let’s have a little fun! Do you have any secret talents?

I’ve been playing drums for 35+ years and even toured the country with an Irish Celtic band. I also enjoy dirt bike riding and belong to a local group of riders in Idaho called Wild Ones Enduro.

Ryan, team operations management leader, riding his dirtbike.

Ryan on His Dirtbike

Q: On any given random day, what’s going on behind the scenes during our team huddle?

My mug usually cycles through coffee, chai tea, or matcha tea. I have two dogs always rattling the pocket door to my office to get in: Milo, a large Shih Tzu breed, and Bingo, a Shih Poo/Lab mix.

I don’t use my Speks as often as I should but now that you mentioned it [*get’s out Speks].

Q: Last question! What are you most looking forward to in the coming year?

As we look toward the coming year, the theme that excites me the most is growth, in all its forms. Firstly, the prospect of our agency’s profitability is something I eagerly anticipate. It’s not just a measure of our financial success but a testament to our team’s hard work, creativity, and dedication. I’m looking forward to seeing how our collective efforts translate into tangible results, enabling us to reinvest in our people, our technology, and our strategies to stay ahead of the curve.

Equally important is the growth in our team’s capacity. This isn’t just about expanding our numbers, but deepening our expertise, enhancing our collaboration, and elevating our service offerings. As our team grows, so does our ability to tackle new challenges, explore innovative solutions, and deliver exceptional value to our clients. It’s an opportunity to witness firsthand the development of our team members, supporting them in their professional journeys and seeing how their contributions propel us forward.

On a personal level, I am particularly focused on growing my own capacity in leadership. This encompasses honing my skills to better guide our team, foster a positive and productive work environment, and drive our agency toward its strategic goals. I’m committed to learning from my experiences, seeking feedback, and embracing opportunities for professional development. My goal is to not only grow as a leader but also to inspire and empower those around me to achieve their full potential.

Shining the Light on Excellence

We’re grateful for Ryan’s meticulous approach to team operations management. His efforts ensure that Virayo runs smoothly and efficiently. To learn more about Ryan and the talent he brings to the team, visit his LinkedIn profile.

We invite you to engage with Ryan’s story by commenting below or sharing this post on social media. Your thoughts and shares help us celebrate the amazing individuals working hard to drive B2B SaaS success for our clients. And be sure to follow us on LinkedIn to get the latest spotlights and company news.

Check back next week to meet another outstanding Virayo team member. We can’t wait to share them with you.

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